måndag 20 juli 2009

Choir music

Since I was 4 years old, I've sung. This I know from a tape recording my late grand mother made of my twinsister and my self, singing "Old McDonald had a farm" (in Swedish: "Per Olsson hade en bonnagård"). After that there has been a sucession of choirs, quartets, duos, rock bands, indie pop and some more choirs.
Of all those songs that I've sung through out the years, a couple stick out. Those mostly loved are almost always the hard ones. Due to technicalities or some other kind of struggle.

These are three of my favorites:

"Länge leve livet" (Long live life)
It's not very difficult, but I adore it for the simplicity, which is pure brilliance, of the harmonies. The only recording I found on YouTube was of the quartet Söla, which doesn't have the usual energy I have sung it with. It doesn't need much more, just a bit more gusto and, really, joy of life.

"Sanctus" by Jan Sandström
This, on the other hand, is very difficult. There are pauses, false starts and strange harmonies. And beauty, so much beauty. It was written by the Swedish composer Jan Sandström for an orphanage, to which all proceeds go to. More beauty, of the human kind.

"La Rejouissance" by Händel (from "Music for the Royal Fireworks")
It's a classical piece, a bit hard for some but not all the reasons given above. You can hear it from 7.15 min into the clip above, but my recommandation is that you hear it through. Beautiful piece of music, for all music lovers. It conveys such love and excitement.
When I sang it with my choir, we used a score intended for flutes. It worked just as well with voices and "la-la-la" and "bara-bam-bam-pa" :)

now life is sweet
and what it brings
I try to take
but loneliness
it wears me out
it lies in wait
-"Leaving New York"

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